Nikolay Pointe Shoe Fitting Event – Nov. 21-22

We hope you can join us for a very special fitting event we are hosting the weekend of November 21-22. On these two days only, master fitters from Nikolay will be visiting our store to provide unique, individual pointe shoe fittings.

While Nikolay is a new brand name launched late last year, its products have actually been around for more than three decades. They were all previously sold under the name Grishko. Nikolay Grishko, founder of Grishko, Ltd. in Russia, is now simply selling these products in the U.S. under the name Nikolay. These are the exact same products, made in the same Russian factories by the same cobblers that have been making them for over 30 years, just under a new brand name.

Appointments are required. They are available Saturday from 10:00-5:00 and Sunday from 12:00-4:00, offered on a first-come, first-served basis. We do expect them to fill up so we recommend that you reserve your time quickly.

If you’ve ever wanted to give Nikolay (or Grishko) a try, it’s the perfect chance to do so. A free gift is included with your purchase, so schedule your appointment today! If you have any questions, email us at

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